1. Call 734-454-7470 to schedule an appointment.
2. Complete and submit the Standard Consent Form (online version which is emailed to you), including the required initialed items and signature(s), by the end of the next business day. This holds your scheduled appointment slots.
3. Complete the appropriate pre-consultation questionnaire below (canine or feline) as completely as possible and email/fax/mail back to Great Lakes Veterinary Behavior Consultants at least 7 days prior to your appointment. EMAIL TO OFFICE@GREATLAKESVETBEHAVIOR.COM IS PREFERRED. If Dr. Krause is seeing your cat for toileting/litterbox issues, please also complete the Feline Elimination History Form.
Pre-Consultation Questionnaire - Canine
Pre-Consultation Questionnaire - Feline
Feline Elimination Problem History
4. Ask your primary care veterinarian to complete the Veterinary History Form and fax or email it to the office at least 7 days prior to your appointment.
Veterinary History Form - Canine
Veterinary History Form - Feline